God Needs You

Ever felt frustrated with all the pain and crises going on around you and the world as a whole? Have you ever wondered “God, where are you in all of this?” or heard others cry something similar? You are not as powerless to act as you may think. You can pray!

Prayer is about who is receiving [the prayer] not who is making it. God is sovereign and is able to save. We only have to play our part by simply bringing all requests to His altar of Grace and Mercy.

Very often we allow our frailties to stop us to doing what we out to do. Forgetting that nothing can separate us from the love of God – Romans 8:38-39. We must get over our brokenness and believe Jesus when He says it is finished! Sin is a disease that afflicts us all but the blood of Jesus cleanses us from it.

God needs you

Your gifts are needed by the Giver. Did you for a moment think your gifts of singing, dancing, teaching etc were for your glory? No! They were given for a specific purpose known only by the Giver – God. Very often those gifts will lead to exposing to the world, the love our Father has for us. If those gifts remain hidden or are not used for their predestinated purposes then how will those who are in the dark and in dire need for hope, believe or even come to salvation? Romans 10:14

Global crises are bound to come but we have to step up with more love to show that God is more than able to redeem.

What do you have in your hand?

When Moses balked at the instruction to go to Pharaoh and demand the release of the people of Israel from captivity, God asked him what he had in his hand. Essentially, God was pointing out to Moses that He was able to use even the staff in his hands.

Our knowledge and skills are useless if they are not ultimately used to show the love of God by healing the sick, breaking yokes, comforting the grieving etc.

God needs you

If you are fully aware of the truth of God’s love through the redeeming, cleansing and redeeming power of the blood of Jesus then you have to act to let the world know the Truth. When we fail to do so many charlatans will step into the vacuum and deceive many.  Indeed if good men and women sit and do nothing, evil will abound.

Don’t hold back. Don’t be a Jonah! Holding back is exactly what you’re thinking – disobedience. Don’t hesitate to do what God has prompted you to do for He needs you. The world needs you to act. You can be the channel that the world has been waiting to hear from. Always remember, that God created you uniquely. That is why your thumbprint is unique. And even as you are were created unique, your purpose and function in this world is also unique and He places His will in your heart.  Philippians 2:13.

Be stirred up
Be fired up
Be ready to go for Jesus!

God bless you



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