Even in death relationships matter!

This weekend I had the double sorrow of bidding farewell to two brothers: a friend and a cousin. Both cut down in their prime. Two big potentials who had their mortal remains lowered back into the dust but their spirits returned to their Maker.  God never designed man to die but sin changed the course of man’s destiny and has guaranteed pain and sorrow from generation to generation.

Yet still, mortality is an acute reminder of our frailty as human beings. We very often focus on things that do not matter.  When a man dies on his tombstone or epitaph is written a few words. Very often it is a reference to whom he is survived by. Very rarely will his achievements be mentioned. No matter the amount of wealth, power, status or privilege in death it doesn’t matter.  Indeed it is his most important relationships that are mentioned.

There is this poignant cliche that rings true in every age – “it’s not what you know but who you know.”

Interestingly this also happens when we move on from this life. In the after life (atheists and agnostics) or Heaven (believers) access will be granted based on whom you know not what you’ve learnt in life nor the amount of achievements you chalked while on Earth.

The access code to Heaven is the name of Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God – John 14:6.

The only thing that will matter is whether you knew him and your relationship with him. Yes, if you don’t know Jesus you won’t be granted access. Harsh? Maybe. Logical? Absolutely.

If there’s no relationship, what is there to be said? What shared experiences do you have? How can you relate? Sounds obvious? It certainly is.

Relationships matter.

A man cannot expect to neglect the needs of his wife during the day and then expect her to be switched on at night. No, it doesn’t work like that. In the same vein, a child cannot dishonour the parents and then expect affirming words afterwards. No, it doesn’t work like that. The fifth commandment actually exhorts us to honour our parents for very good reason – Exodus 20:12.

Honour is not only a noun, it is also a verb. Means we need to practice it, not just preach it.

In our age today it seems that Bible prophecy is being lived out day after day. The love of many will wax cold – Matthew 24:11-13. Man’s inhumanity to man reached unsurpassed levels. From the cruel brutality of ISIS and Boko Haram to the equal brutality of police forces and racial tensions in the West shows that man increasingly cares less about his neighbour. Forsaking the instruction that we love our neighbours as ourselves.

To relate is to love, divinely (agape). Love is experiential not rhetorical nor theoretical. It’s practical. The best relationships are the ones that are eternal. With man, they are few and far between but with Jesus it is forever. He is one who will NEVER fail nor forsake and sticks closer than a brother – Proverbs 18:24b.  The only one who won’t call only when convenient or needs something from you. With Jesus we have true friendship. A relationship built to last.

Let us cultivate relationships that last for eternity.

Relationships matter! 

If you haven’t as yet accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour and will like to do so then pray this short prayer wherever you are.

Dear Heavenly Father

I confess I do not know you and because I cannot see you, or touch you, it is difficult for me to believe you are there.
Yet I am willing to trust you.
I confess I am a sinner and have done many things I know are wrong.
But I am asking you today to forgive me of all those sins and make me a new person.
Create within me a clean heart and fill me with your love.
I cast all my cares and burdens onto you and I chose to live for you.
I thank you for hearing my prayer and coming into my life.
I thank you for restoring me and making me whole again.
I thank you for the new life you have given me through Jesus Christ your only begotten Son and now my Lord and Saviour.


If you have any questions or want to know more on how you can live this life full of love and freedom then send us an email.

If you already have a personal relationship with Jesus, then help a friend in need of salvation by sharing this message.

God bless you




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