The Best Investment Money Cannot Buy…

Ever wondered what the best way to save your hard-earned wealth and obtain the highest Return On Investment (ROI) was? Some will say Stocks, Mutual Funds, Options, Futures, FOREX, Gold, Real Estate etc.  All these represent very solid forms of investments you can explore.

Well I’m about to show you the best form of investment that will never lose its value and present the highest yield ever! I mean EVER. No, I haven’t become a stockbroker overnight but hear me out.

The ‘corporation’ you will be investing in is a rather unconventional and non-traditional one. Unfortunately it’s not listed on the Nasdaq, Dow Jones, AIM, London Stock Exchange or any other bourse around the world. So you can’t really ‘purchase’ stocks in it.

These stocks never depreciate in value. If it was listed anywhere it would have been assigned the stock code ‘KINGDOMOFGOD.’ Yup, KINGDOMOFGOD.  The ‘corporation’ is called the Kingdom of God.

So what is the Kingdom of God? You may have heard it’s the dwelling of the God – the great I AM. True but it is more importantly righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit Romans 14:16-18.

And because the ‘corporation’ of the Kingdom of God is within our hearts (Luke 17:20-21) anyone can buy shares. That means you and I can invest in the Kingdom and nobody is excluded. All races, languages, genders, ages and backgrounds are invited to invest.

Indeed Jesus, the CEO of the corporation, exhorted the disciples to

…lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. –  Matthew 6:19-21.

How do you lay up treasures in heaven? There are many ways including serving on a soup run, tipping the waitress better, helping the aged etc. We can also store up treasures by developing the unique gifts God has blessed us with to solve key problems like water shortages in the “Third World” or creating a business to employ people and paying them decent wages.

Ultimately the greatest way is to share the Gospel in whatever capacity. Not everyone will stand behind a pulpit. Sharing the Gospel starts with not being ashamed to admit who you are – a redeemed child of God. Our love and ministry (service) to our neighbour will show the world that loving the Lord our God and loving our neighbour is as simple as A, B, C.

Now these stocks are not without reasonable risk. In fact, you will be ridiculed, taken granted, used, abused and persecuted sometimes even unto death (hopefully your service won’t lead you to this). Today many are being persecuted simply for their belief in Jesus. Theirs are crowns of glory! However, for those who live in relative security and freedom it is incumbent on us to spread the Gospel (Good News) of Salvation to an increasingly despairing world.

So brothers and sisters, I present to you the best-yielding investment ever –
The Kingdom of God in Christ Jesus

My recommendation: BUY NOW!

If you haven’t given your life to Jesus yet and will like to do so then pray this short prayer wherever you are.

Dear Heavenly Father

I confess I do not know you and because I cannot see you, or touch you, it is difficult for me to believe you are there.
Yet I am willing to trust you.
I confess I am a sinner and have done many things I know are wrong.
But I am asking you today to forgive me of all those sins and make me a new person.
Create within me a clean heart and fill me with your love.
I cast all my cares and burdens onto you and I chose to live for you.
I thank you for hearing my prayer and coming into my life.
I thank you for restoring me and making me whole again.
I thank you for the new life you have given me through Jesus Christ your only begotten Son and now my Lord and Saviour.


If you have any questions or want to know more on how you can live this life full of love and freedom then send us an email.

If you already have a personal relationship with Jesus, then help a friend in need of salvation by sharing this message.

God bless you




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