Don’t Stop Loving

Our world is facing seemingly insurmountable problems from wars, rumours of them,  strife, disaster, poverty and disease.  It is not bad enough that we have cancer, now we have to grapple with the plague of Ebola. In an age where there’s much to despair about, we can be that hope through our loving.

The sum effect of all of these is that there is an immense need for loving kindness and tender mercy all over the world. Unfortunately we are blinded to this need by the numerous distractions we are surrounded with. I won’t go into all of them because we know what they are. However there is one that is most potent – self-pity. It is very crippling and must be overcome before we are able to reach out and love our neighbour. When we shift the focus from us to our neighbour, our world and our Creator, something radical changes within us.

The whole creation is longing for the manifestation of the sons of God.  Romans 8:18-20 -That’s you and I.

Let us not hold back the love of God within us that empowers us to care for those in need.

You may be saying that “I’m only one and insignificant.” There may be true to a degree but you can pray. James 5:16  reminds us that the effective fervent prayer of the righteous (believing) indeed avails much.

Your neighbour needs you to keep on loving

Who is my neighbour? Anyone and everyone created by God and is in need right now.

Too many are perishing because of the lack of love. Loneliness and isolation can lead to depression but love conquers it. No need to remind us that the love we all need is God-kind of love or Agape. This is the superior love that doesn’t care where you’ve been or what you look like. It is the love that died for us while we were yet sinners. Eros (or romantic love) which the world focuses on is carnal and fleeting.

And maybe you feel inadequate because of what you’ve done. Well, I have good news. When Jesus died on Calvary’s mountain His blood paid for it all – past, future and present! Ephesians 1:7. So you don’t have to be handicapped by guilt. Step back into the redeemingly grace of God through Jesus and love your neighbour back to life!

Now because Love is active and practical, can I ask that you do one  or more of the following?

  1. Phone a friend you haven’t spoken to for a while and just ask how they are doing.
  2. Ask how you can help the elderly couple who live down the road.
  3. I know we are taught not to talk to strangers (and yes there are some really sick folk out there) but wherever possible smile at whomever you can. Your smile is a blessing.
  4. Ask the widow and her fatherless children how you can be of help
  5. Inquire about how best to help orphans around in your city or abroad.
  6. Purpose to pray every day for the countries in West Africa afflicted by Ebola
  7. Pray for Syria and Iraq and wherever there’s war.
    Pray that religious zealots will realise that it’s not about them and their insecurities. For any deity who needs the arm of flesh to wage war on brother and sister is no deity at all. We know our God is mighty and strong
  8. Forgive those who have wronged you. This is a big one. It probably is the greatest expression of love you can ever make. To release another from their debts.
  9. Pray for the families afflicted by the scourge of drug and alcohol addiction. They need our love and mercy – not our judgement and condemnation. Hosea 6:6
  10. Pray for those in prison but more so for those in modern day slavery especially sexual slavery. Sexual slavery really grieves the heart of God. When we pray, the demons that torment perverts are bound and the innocent children and women are protected. That is why we need to pray. We express our love in prayer.

Finally, never cease to pray for your loved ones. That is duty.

Don’t stop loving for whenever you love God replenishes you and then some.  – Proverbs 11:25

God richly bless you and cause you to prosper in every sphere.




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